Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Change of Heart

It's amazing how quickly we hijack God for our own purposes.  As a preface, let me say that I am going to Japan.  Actually, my whole family is going to Japan.  I'll be starting a new job there, starting a new life.  When we first closed our hedge fund, my wife and I prayed to God for a job, any job.  We prayed earnestly that he would open doors and that he would give us a ready heart to go anywhere that he guided.  And then this company in Japan gave me an offer.  At first I was very excited, as was my wife.  But then, that excitement died when they detailed the compensation package.  So I went straight from, "God, please give me a job and I'll go wherever you want" to "This can't be God's will".  What was the factor that made me question if this was God opening a door?  As an aside, I have to mention that EVERY single other opportunity I'd pursued was slammed shut in my face, including a very promising, last-minute potential in NYC.  The one factor that pushed me from "thank you" to "no way" (ok, and a bit of pride).  I couldn't believe that they were asking me to come to Japan without a full expat package.  I somehow rationalized that God couldn't possibly want me to take a job in Japan for that kind of money, it wasn't and couldn't be his will.  I couldn't handle the bruise to my ego (even though I had proclaimed that I'd left my ego at the door when my fund closed).  My heart was hardened to the only door that had been left open for me.  I began to question, is this a door that God has opened or is this the ultimate test of faith wherein I say no to a job offer in hand and wait for God to deliver something spectacular.  But as the days passed and I reflected on my situation, it dawned on me that my ego, greed and pride were standing in the way of a perfectly good job that God had provided in the middle of possibly the worst job market in 30+ years.  As I reflected on the things that my wife and I had prayed about before the company detailed the offer, I realized that God had given me everything that we had prayed about.  The only catch was the money.  I had a moment of clarity when I was talking to some friends about how bad the job market was for people in my profession these days.  It was then and there that my heart changed from a hardened, prideful heart to a chastened, humbled and ultimately thankful heart.  God had provided a wonderful opportunity for my family to live in a new culture.  To be a beacon of Christ in a Christ-less society.  To experience new things and live a different life.  So I have peace.  And I have something better, a realization that through those months of feeling abandoned by God, of not knowing where I'd end up, God was creating a situation to take care of my every need.  Now I go to Japan with a thankful and humble heart.  Even the fact that I go with not as much money as I had hoped has taught me a great lesson.  He is asking me to go and to trust in him, that I don't need a big expat package to have security and comfort.  That as long as my trust is in the sovereign God, I have nothing to fear.  Even in my deepest moments of despair, he is beside me, preparing a path for me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

it's with both sadness and happiness that i leave my comment. it's going to be difficult to have you all the way across the world. but we are thankful that this opportunity has been given to you.

hope you'll continue to write...

love you and will miss you -